After death, a person goes to a different level of existence in order to “continue the evolution of the human soul.” This teaching in Conversations with God is in direct conflict with Hebrews 9:27 and many other passages of Scripture that teach the reality of judgment after death. Death is “the great illusion.” There is no judgment, no punishment, and no hell, for there is no reason for any of that-there is no sin. Walsch also claims in the Conversations with God series that all life is eternal. Therefore, we humans are “God.” Everyone around you is simply “you” in a different form, and we are all “God.” Here, Walsch is repeating one of Satan’s original lies, “You will be as God” (Genesis 3:5). In Conversations with God, Walsch says a voice told him that God is everything and everything is God. However, in an April 7, 2000, interview on CNN’s Larry King Live, Walsch admitted that he couldn’t be sure that it was God speaking and that the books could have been the product of his own subconscious. Walsch claims divine inspiration for Conversations with God, saying that God literally spoke to him (“over my right shoulder”), and he wrote down what he heard as if taking dictation. He wrote Book 1 while struggling with thoughts of suicide and questions over the meaning of life. In 1995, Walsch released the first book in the series, followed by eight more books, all written as dialogues between Walsch and “God.” The basic premise of the series is that God is “speaking” to everyone all the time and that Walsch began listening.

Conversations with God, or CwG, is the brainchild of Neale Donald Walsch.
#Conversations with god instrumental movie#
The book that started it all, Conversations with God, Book 1: An Uncommon Dialogue, spent over two and a half years on the New York Times Best Sellers List, and in 2006 a movie based on the book was released.